Lord Cornwallis was so mortified that he had lost the war to the colonists that he refused to attend the surrender ceremony at Yorktown.
A year of great challenges and
consequences. Benedict Arnold, the famous traitor, sacked
Richmond, but the colonists were victorious at the battle of
Cowpens, in South Carolina. French General Lafayette attacked
Cornwallis but was repulsed near Green Springs, Virginia.

click here for more on Yorktown
Count de Grasse arrived in the Chesapeake
with the French fleet, completely blocking water routes for
retreat. Washington and Rochambeau lay siege to the British
forces in Yorktown, Virginia, and on October 19, Cornwallis
surrendered with 'Articles of Capitulation.'
Lord Cornwallis was so mortified
by the defeat that he refused to attend the ceremony of
The British surrender at Yorktown.
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