(1890 - 1956)
hot-tempered autocrat in the Army Corps of Engineers, Colonel Lewis
Pick was stationed in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1943 (punishment from his
superiors for botching the construction of a landing strip for the
Army Air Force) when three successive floods inundated the city in
the spring of that year. Click here for more on Col. Pick
floodwaters crested in the city streets, the diminutive colonel is
said to have leaped onto a desk top and yelled to his subordinates:
"I want control of the Missouri." He then commanded every
engineer in his office to drop all other projects and to work
double shifts until they came up with a comprehensive plan to tame
the Big Muddy. The result, when paired with a plan envisioned
by the Bureau of Reclamation's Glen Sloan, was the Pick-Sloan Plan,
which, when funded by Congress in the Flood Control Act of
1944. This legislation authorized the construction of five
massive flood control dams on the main stem of the Missouri,
effectively turning a thousand miles of river into a series of
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