(1160 - 1216)
During the Middle Ages, Pope
Innocent III transformed the institutions of European monarchy, and
the papacy. He believed it was his duty to
elevate the papacy to the position of supreme monarch on earth, a
feat he succeeded in accomplishing during his eighteen years as
Pope. But, "His ideal was power, of love he knew
nothing" wrote one of his biographers. By the time he died in
1216, Innocent III had stirred Europe from the depths of the feudal
night by launching several Crusades in the name of Christ and the
Catholic Church. He told heathens and infidels that their
refusal to admit Christian missionaries into their countries made
him responsible, as the leader of Christ's earthly flock, to remedy
their ignorance. Click here for more on the Crusades
III's legacy achieved full flower in his successor, Innocent
IV. This man, known also as the Lawyer Pope, picked up where
his predecessor left off by crafting the legal tools that would
allow him to enforce the papacy's authority and uphold
ecclesiastical law across secular boundaries. He did this by
means of an encyclical known asQuod super his. This
empowered the pope to enforce the union of Christian civilization
with that of infidel and savage races. Once voyaging nations
began discovering pagan cultures in distant lands,Quod super
hisgave future popes the legal right to enslave non-Christian
people who refused to submit to baptism, and to confiscate their
land. Over the centuries,Quod super hiswould morph into laws
that are still with us in the secular world in the twenty-first
century. One of those laws - with a legal pedigree that links
it directly to Pope Innocent IV - is eminent domain.
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