1836 - Whitmans establish mission in Oregon Territory

The is the spot where Marcus and Narcissa Whitman established their mission among the Cayuse Indians in the 1830s, not far from the western end of the Oregon Trail.

        Dr. Marcus Whitman and his wife Narcissa (the first white woman to cross the Rockies) established a mission for the Congregationalists (who would be active in the Indian missionary work throughout the century) among the Cayuse tribe at Walla Walla.  Thir mission, built beside the Oregon Trail, would be visited by many thousands of settlers, including Jim Bridger, who left his daughter in their care to be raised and educated.

Narcissa Whitman.jpg

  Narcissa Whitman, the first white woman to cross the

  contient on the Oregon Trail - three years before John

C. Fremont.

       When the Whitman's were killed by Cayuse Indians in 1847, Bridger's daughter was among the victims.

Click here for more on the Whitman's