Plenty Coups

We saw that the white man did not take his religions any more seriously than he did his laws...these were not our ways. We kept the laws we made and lived our religion. We have never understood the white man, who fools no one but himself.

(1848 - 1932)

Crow chief

 The last hereditary Crow chief, the revered leader of his people, and a fierce warrior feared by all of his enemies and contemporaries, such as Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. 

           Aside from his many exploits on the battlefield, Plenty-Coups is famous for telling General William Harney: "We have seen that the white man does not take his religion any more seriously than he takes his laws, and that he keeps booth of them just behind him, like helpers, to use when they might do him good.  These are not our ways.  We keep the laws we make and live our religion.  We have never understood the white man, who fools no one but himself." 

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