A century after George A. Custer marched 1,000 soldiers of the 7th cavalry into the Black Hills, boldly challenging the treaty of 1868 which recognized the Sioux as the Black Hill's rightful owners, the U.S. Supreme Court found the United States government guilty of an unconstitutional taking of the Sioux's homelands.

To this day, the Black Hills
of South Dakota are still sacred mountains to the Sioux, who were
recognized in the treaty of 1868 at Fort Laramie as the owners of
these mountains 'for as long as the grass shall grow and the rivers
will flow." A few years later, in 1874, George Custer's
breached that treaty in a brazen act of defiance by marching a
thousand men to the Black Hills and declaring to the embedded
press, "There's gold in them thar hills!" Within a year,
white men were mounting a stampede to the Black Hills. Towns like
Deadwood grew up almost overnight.
Chief Red Cloud
asked the U.S. government to begin enforcing the treaty provisions
signed at Fort Laramie in 1868 and to run the miners off, but the
miners turned the tables by asking the government to evict the
For more on the Black Hills, click here
The government offered to buy
the Black Hills from the Sioux for $6 million, but the Sioux turned
them down. Red Cloud asked for $60 million and the government
refused to pay. President Grant then issued an order that all
Sioux bands must come into their assigned agencies by January 31,
1876, or be considered hostile and treated accordingly. This
was a double indemnity for the Indians. The government was
not only refusing to honor its pledge made in treaties, it was also
threatening to force the nomads onto small reservations.
The Sioux's defiance of Grant's
order led to the great conference of western tribes at the Little
Big Horn River, on the Greasy Grass, in June of 1876, where they
would vanquish George Custer's regiment of the 7th Cavalry on June
In the 20th century, the Sioux sued
the federal government for failing to honor its treaty obligations
from 1868. The case took decades to resolve, but it was
finally settled in 1978 by the U.S. Supreme Court, which found in
favor of the Sioux. Money was set aside as compensation for
the theft of their sacred homelands, but they have never touched
those funds, which for thirty years have been gathering interest in
the U.S. treasury.
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