An Indian reservation is a parcel of land set aside for the exclusive use of Indians, surrounded by thieves.
(1820 - 1891)
General in the U.S. Civil War, and Indian Wars; treaty
Sherman, a veteran of the Civil War and Indian Wars that soon
followed, was a tough but compassionate negotiator in the many
treaty councils he conducted with Indian leaders. Most
notably, he effectively surrendered to the Sioux Chief Red Cloud,
in 1868, by suing for peace over the ownership of the Black Hills,
and permitting pioneering wagon traffic on the "Bloody Bozeman"
Trail. After meeting Red Cloud's conditions for making
peace, Sherman welcomed the legendary chief into a new treaty
council at Fort Laramie, in 1868, where he promised the Sioux that
their beloved Black Hills would not be violated by white gold
miners and pioneers, a promise that was shattered six years later
when George A. Custer led an expedition into the Black Hills and
declared to the press, "Thars gold in them thar hills." For
more on the Black Hills, click here
the end of his career, a time when most of the nomadic tribes had
been corralled onto reservations, he was asked by a reporter to
describe what life looked like on Indian reservations. "Well,
the Indian reservation is a parcel of land that is set aside for
the exclusive use of the Indian, and is surrounded by thieves." (For
more on Sherman, click here)
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